
The officers of the Association shall consist of the Board of Directors and the Executive Body.

A. Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) persons including the Executive  Chairperson. The Chairman of the Board is the Executive Chairperson. The Board shall  serve for a 3 years term.

B. Executive Body shall consist of the Chairperson, vice Chairperson, Secretary and  Treasurer. The Executive Body shall be elected every three years.

The Executive Body shall be elected from the general membership.  

Vacancies occurring in office shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors for the  current unexpired term. Election of officers shall be staggered.


Section 1(a).

The administration of the ASM African Initiative Group shall be  entrusted to the Board of Directors. 

Section 1(b).

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) ASM  members. The Board shall consist of: the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, 2 members  elected by AIG and 2 non AIG members. The 2 non AIG members shall be appointed by the  Executive Body. 

The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the safety of all important papers, badges and  other documents of the Association as well as approving annual budgets for the Association.  The Board of Directors shall be the standing auditors of the Association.

Section 2.

Any member in good financial standing with the ASM African Initiative Group for  more than one year, as determined by the Association’s records, shall be eligible for elective  office. 

Section 3.

Election: Election of officers shall be held every three (3) years during the ASM  General Meeting. Those eligible to vote are members in good standing and whose names  appear on the official updated membership list, as submitted by the Secretary. Election shall be  approved by simple majority. The newly elected officers shall be installed at the General  Meeting.  


Section 4.

Chair: Responsible for the day to day operational activities of the Association. Implementation  of projects. Assign tasks to the Vice Chair. Perform additional tasks as mandated by the Board. 

Vice Chair: serves in the absence of the Chair. Implement tasks as assigned by the Chair. 

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the keeping of an accurate record of the  minutes of all meetings of the Organization, and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall  maintain a roster of all members of the Organization, and shall keep on file all documents,  communications, and other papers relating to the business of the Organization.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the keeping of an accurate record of all  financial transactions of the Organization, and shall approve the expenditure of funds, as  authorized by the Board of Directors. 

Officers: The Officers for election shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer,  and the two AIG members of the Board of Directors.  

Section 5.  

  1. a) The Chairperson shall appoint all committees with the approval of the Executive Body. 
  2. b) As the organization grows or changes, the Executive Body may appoint additional  officers (e.g. publicity or communications officer), as necessary to meet the needs of the  organization.

Quorum of the Board. At any meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of the voting  members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the  Organization, and any such business thus transacted shall be valid providing it is affirmatively  passed upon by a majority of those present and voting. 

Amendments: An amendment to the Bylaws may be proposed in writing by the Board of  Directors or by five (5) Members entitled to vote on the amendment. Once so proposed, the  Board of Directors will review the amendments and make a recommendation report to the  Members. 

Rules of Order. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly  Revised govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are  not inconsistent with the law, the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, and any special rules  or order the Association may adopt 


To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Association shall indemnify and hold harmless its  Directors and Officers as required by the law against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses,  including, but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from any act,  conduct, omission, negligence, misconduct or unlawful act or negligence of its Directors and  Executive past and present.