Become A member
Membership shall be open to ASM members of African Origin that possess at least a Bachelors of Science Degree (BS) in any of the sciences, such as chemical, physical or biological.
Any person of any nationality, who has demonstrated an interest in fostering the objectives of the Association, shall be eligible for Associate membership without voting rights, and shall enjoy the privileges and benefits of such associate membership.
Such associate members shall be required to pay an annual fee, the amount of which shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.
The ASM African Initiative Group shall hold General Annual Meetings during the ASM General Convention.
$25 / Per Year
The ASM African Initiative Group shall hold General Annual Meetings during the ASM General Convention.
$25 / Per Year
The ASM African Initiative Group shall hold General Annual Meetings during the ASM General Convention.
$10 / Per Year
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